What aspects of starting your business do you need help with?


What is your voucher code?

QVM Mental Health Support

Traders Connect

Each year SBMS delivers over 5000 mentoring sessions across Victoria. We work with thousands of micro and small businesses and understand the challenges they face.

Looking after yourself is critical.

SBMS has a large number of helpful tools and templates to help with creating a mentally healthy workplace and to help support you.

Our mentors can also steer you or support you through contacts with organisations that can help.

Tools for a Mentally Healthy Workplace

 Mental Health ToolKit

 Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace

 Beyond Blue Workbook

 Mental Health Checklist

 Taking Care of Yourself

 Tips for Small Business

 What works for depression

Apart from these great tools, there are a huge variety of other SBMS tools that can help you with your business. Click here for tools that can help you with:

  • Marketing
  • Planning
  • Finance
  • Management
  • Health
  • Innovation
  • Socialmedia/Digital

SBMS is working with the City of Melbourne and Queen Victoria Market management to provide support for all market traders through an innovative program called Trader Connect.

For more information about the Trader Connect program go to http://qvm.com.au/trader-support/